Hello. Thank you again for gifting all of us the gift of generosity. It is so refreshing that in the crazy times we live in there are still people and organizations willing and able to give and share joy!
This week I was out doing my normal routine and stopped at a gas station. As I was filling up I noticed a young woman crying coming out of the gas station store. She walked over to her car which was behind mine at the pump and began to pump her gas. I was on empty so I was there a bit longer but noticed she only used the pump for 15 seconds max.
After she placed the pump back she approached me and asked if she could borrow $1.
I said unfortunately I don’t have any cash on me but do you need gas? She started to get upset. I told her don’t get upset let me get you some gas. As I walked to the pump I noticed she had two kids in the backseat, maybe 10yo & 3yo. As I set the pump up she began to tend to the kids. When the pump stopped she came around to thank me. She didn’t realize at the time I filled her truck. She was so happy and gave me a hug. It was such a small moment in my day but meant the world to someone else.
Thank you for letting me pass on some generosity to someone who really needed it that day.